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Friday, November 12, 2010

Make way for Awe

The 4th Practice - Awesome!

I like the 4th practice highlighted by Liu and Noppe-Brandon in their book, Imagination First, "Make Way for Awe. Nurture humility and the wonder that comes with it." I like it because it is so much fun. When is the last time you felt awe? To me, it is an amazing feeling. I think that I am probably not easily impressed, but I do tend to be more easily awed. I also like the description of "awe" by John Seely Brown: "Awe drives imagination." Think about that. What is it that pushes us to reach further, to stretch our minds, and to look beyond our present circumstances? Maybe AWE is a good explanation.

I have often been awed -- by the beauty of nature, the innovation of people (imagine, we are now able to print human organs...literally print bio material -- yours or mine. Now, that is awesome, right?). I have also been in awe of some very special people. Those who I have looked to as leaders and mentors and coaches. Their wisdom, intellect, and sheer courage have awed me on many occasions. Have these pushed me to be more imaginative? To try to grow? To try to become better myself? Yes, often this was my response. I am also awed by people who pursue their dreams -- even if that means making big life changes and giving up "good" situations. I aspire to be like them.

So what awes you? I think the authors are correct. You must make way for awe. You must make room for awe. You must get outside of your own head enough to observe what is happening around you and be prepared to be awed. Nurture your natural curiosity and wonder and see what awes you...you will find it to be an amazing experience!

Best of luck! Remain open to wonder and make way to be awed. People might surprise you.

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