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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Imagination first...we need it

Well. Here we are just post election with a few contests still outstanding but most decided. And...we, as a country, voted for change, at least that is what is often heard. I recently read another blog post on leadership that advanced the argument that we did not vote for change, but that we voted for improvement. I think that is right. We want things to be better. If you cannot deliver, we will vote you out and vote in someone we hope can deliver. Now, we have a crop of newly elected officials (especially nationally) who will endeavor to become leaders...and to make things better. To do this, I think, will require IMAGINATION FIRST.

I posted a comment today on an interesting inspirational book, The Pink Bat, which argues that we need to see problems as solutions (I am oversimplifying) and develop a new mind set that allows us to do this effectively. It strikes me that this is a mind set that our elected officials will need as well. In order to do this, however, these elected officials will need to use imagination first.

In continuing my discussion (introduced in my previous blog) of the excellent book: imagination first. unlocking the power of possibility, we have been exploring each of the 28 1/2 practices presented in the book. The 2nd practice, that we will explore in today's blog, is "Leave the Campfire. Know your enemy: it is you, scared."

I love this practice because it really does get at one of the biggest drains on imagination and growth...our own fear. The cool things is that everyone has fear. Everyone. Courage, some say, is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face your fear and act anyway. It is a little odd to think that something that is often internal (our own imagination) and not, therefore, open to criticism by others, is subject to fear. But it is. We too often let our fears stop us from imagining something that might be possible. "What would others think?" "This is a completely irrational idea." I do not know anyway to prevent fear...except to not live. However, I am learning to face my fears...to stare them down...and to realize that sometimes, maybe most of the time, they are what is irrational. So, free yourself from your fear and free up your imagination!

Those who are now voted into power, listen up. Use your imagination to create new ideas and better realities. Bring out your pink bats or your magic sticks or your prayers or whatever it takes...but do not stop short of being imaginative. We have had enough of the same old way of doing things...and we need things to be better. So, let's all imagine a better future and then create it.

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