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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Great Leaders Make Decisions

As I was reading this blog from Thought Leaders: Great Leaders Make Decisions, I was thinking how much overlap there is between using your imagination...being able to get at that part of your brain to think creatively...and making good decisions. Leaders are not generally called upon to make decisions that are straight-forward or logical. Rather, leaders have to make decisions when things are not as clear, when the "right" answer is not evident. While this does require a tolerance for ambiguity, it also requires an ability to think of what might be, to see what is not, but could be and to project your mind into possible future scenarios. This is imagination at work. The tasks and tools that we have been discussing from "Imagination First" are like an exercise circuit, helping us to strengthen our imagination muscle. I cannot help but believe that doing so will help us to make better decisions...and to make good decisions. Check out the Thought Leaders Blog:
Great Leaders Make Decisions

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