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Friday, February 11, 2011

Practice 12: Make a Gap

Practice 12
Make a Gap
Obscure part of the picture

Our brains are hard-wired to complete the picture, to fill in missing information, and to fill the gap (in information). The authors of Imagination First note that in order to exercise our imagination, we often need to deliberately obscure a crucial part of the story. This is why we are fascinated by magic and why radio shows (like the Green Hornet for example) were successful. Think about what you don't see in your favorite movies or programs...that may be just the part that interests you...where you fill in the gap and use your own imagination to complete the story.

I am writing this post today on a historical day for Egypt -- President Mubarek has just been forced out of office by 18 days of protests by the people of Egypt...who saw a different picture for their country.

And I wonder just what role imagination, creativity and innovation will play in Egypt's future. For now, there is indeed a gap. The important part of the story...of what will become of this country and its people...is obscured. It will take more than imagination to fill that gap and complete the story. But the ability to use imagination to fill in what might be, what could be, and create what will be is important. And, in this case, complex. Egypt's immediate future will no longer result from the imagination of one person. The people of Egypt and whatever leadership they put into place must harness a collective imagination for an alternative future. They have created the gap...but will what fills it be more imaginative (and better) than what came before?

Now, it will not be sufficient to have created a gap. It will not be sufficient to have protested against what was. Now, the people of Egypt must imagine and create a new reality. But first, the dream...
"Nothing happens but first a dream."
The world holds its collective breath and wishes luck to all of the Egyptian "imagineers." May they also be good at implementation and execution of their ideals.

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