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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Renew Your Narrative

In Practice #9 of Imagination First, the authors discuss how we at times need to renew our narrative. This is a particularly good concept to explore at the start of the year.

We are people of stories. All of human existence and expression centers around narratives or stories about ourselves, others, our culture, "our time", etc. We are all born storytellers. So much so, though, that at times our overarching narratives about ourselves can confine us. The authors argue that few things can impede the flow of imagination as much as dead (or outdated) narratives. At times, we simply need to re imagine our situation. We need to tell a different story.

First, of course, we have to become aware of the narratives that we have collected. What stories do you tell about yourself? What are your beliefs about yourself? Now ask yourself, does your narrative about yourself confine you or allow you to live to your fullest potential?

If it is confining, or maybe no longer true, change it.

Yes, we are trained to believe that traits, especially personality traits, are fixed entities. For many traits and talents, we tend to believe that either you have it or you don't. Of course, that very narrative assures the outcome it predicts. Many traits are not fixed. Most talents can be learned. To a very great extent, who you are and who you become are who you believe yourself to be.

But what if you told yourself that you were a good person, that you have strong talents, that you are likable and outgoing and creative? Research indicates that this alternative narrative -- that no matter what your capabilities in a given area at this moment, with focus and applied effort you can elevate yourself and improve -- telling this narrative and believing it is also self-fulfilling.

As long as you are a storyteller, be a good and interesting storyteller. Create a narrative for yourself and your life that is positive and uplifting. Imagine the life that you want, the you that you want, and live that story. It becomes a new reality.

So, what's your story?

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