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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hoard Bits...okay pack rats, this one is for you

Practice 7. Hoard Bits. Collect obsessively; sift; trust that the right bits will emerge

I have to admit, this practice seems a bit like a projective personality test. And, maybe in some ways it is. The point of this practice is exactly the same as the point of the projective personality tests -- that are brains are naturally associative (this is one of the short cuts that we use and a simplifying strategy for remembering) and our job is to feed them material to associate and synthesize. Of course, if you feed them junk you may get...well, art. I am not trying to be facetious here. I am making the point that almost anything can be utilized and synthesized into something with beauty and meaning. The bits that you select should be those that stir you in some way...that capture your imagination.

Collection of bluebells in the woods
I collect quotes, articles, books, photographs. I like to think that what I am trying to collect is ideas. I love to weave ideas together, to combine them in unique ways, and to create something new. I have always thought of this process as akin to painting.

What you end up building depends upon the bits that you have hoarded. Do you remember playing with Legos as a kid? Legos were great, right? They had all of the multi-colored bits of different sizes and to a lesser extent different shapes. Very cool and a lot of imaginative fun. Still, at the end of the day, you had created something new and wonderful out of these colorful bits...but it was still quite identifiable as Legos. For me, I wanted to be able to put different bits together...and that is where the real fun begins. You can apply this concept to almost anything, from inanimate objects to "living" ideas, to living things...even people. How would you describe your collection of friends? Are they all Legos or are they different from one another, brought together in a unique collection by...you? The point is, whatever bits you spend time hoarding make sure that they are an interesting collection that stirs your imagination.What unique and interesting and beautiful combinations will you create? Whatever it is, let your imagination run wild!